Tips to Create Effective Landing Page

So now you know what a landing page is? If you are not sure, it’s explained in the post What is a Landing Page?.

Lets start with the heat map:

Visitor Heatmap

I am not going to get in detail about what a webpage heatmap is, but for the time being, the red and the areas around red are more significant. These are the areas where a visitor pays more attentions, so our core stuff related to the action should be within these areas. Following tips will assist you in understanding how to use visitor heatmap  to create the ultimate lead capture landing page.

  1. The Ad and your landing page should be relevant:
    Whatever you are offering in the ad, your landing page should clearly and boldly present that. Remember they only came to this page, because you promised something on your ad, which is relevant to what they actually looking for. And they expect that your landing page, would have more of it. Make sure your headline refers directly to the ad copy that drove the click.
  2. Provide a clear call to action:
    This is the most important part, tell your visitor what they need to do. There is no set role for how many Call to Action buttons (or text) you use on a single page. 2 are good for a short landing page and 4-5 in a long landing page.
  3. Focus on getting your visitors to do 1 thing:
    This point actually very closely related to the point number 2. Don’t confuse your visitor by suggesting many types of actions. Write whatever you like, but to the point. The key is to take your visitor to a point,  where they know, what they need to do.  Don’t make them guess or hunt around!
  4. Start and end of the Page is the key: Most of the visitors would be reading the top and than scrolling down to the bottom to get a glimpse of what this is all about. Therefore the most important points should be at top and at the end.

Here is a good example of loan office mortgage landing pages. I’ll be adding few more in couple of days, till than enjoy and if you like please share…

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